BedBug Central Certified Bed Bug Exterminator in the Abilene, Big Spring, and Eastland, TX Area
Along with other pest control in Abilene, Texas and surrounding areas, Pest Patrol offers an unmatched elimination program for treating bedbugs. We use multi discipline techniques including steam, vacuuming, crack and crevice treatment, dusting as well as residual treatments. All treatments use active or interceptor monitors with mandatory follow-ups. We offer written material to explain about bedbugs and how the process of your treatment will progress.
We use a limited prep strategy which eliminates you from having to spend countless hours to ensure you are ready for your treatment. Our service technicians will do these tasks. All beds will be encased in bedbug proof encasement.
Our team has the experience to eliminate your home of bed bugs. Call us today! 325-673-6700