Why Scorpions Are a Growing Problem in Abilene and How to Deal with Them

Scorpions might sound like a desert problem, but they are becoming more common in Abilene homes. While scorpion stings are rarely fatal, they can be painful and pose a risk to your family and pets. Understanding why scorpions are a growing issue and how to deal with them can keep your home safer.

Why Are Scorpions More Common in Abilene? Scorpions are attracted to warm, dry climates like Abilene’s. With new construction disturbing their natural habitats, scorpions are searching for shelter in homes. Once inside, they seek dark, cool areas, like basements, attics, and closets.

How to Scorpion-Proof Your Home:

  1. Seal Entry Points: Scorpions can squeeze through small cracks and gaps. Seal windows, doors, and foundation cracks to keep them out.
  2. Eliminate Food Sources: Scorpions feed on insects. Regular pest control reduces the bugs that scorpions prey on, discouraging them from entering your home.
  3. Clear Debris: Keep your yard free from woodpiles, rocks, and leaf litter, which can serve as scorpion hiding spots.

What to Do If You Encounter a Scorpion: If you find a scorpion indoors, use long-handled tools to remove it or call a pest control professional to handle the situation safely.

With scorpions becoming more common in the Abilene area, proactive pest control and home maintenance are essential to keeping these pests out of your home. Be vigilant, and take steps today to protect your family.